Help us protect the health and vitality of Lake Guntersville
The W.E.T. Foundation is a group of community members and organizations, stakeholders, local governments, anglers and other outdoor enthusiasts that want to protect our quality of life and keep our beloved lake healthy. With your help, we can address potential threats and work to keep Lake Guntersville a premier waterway that everyone can enjoy.
What potential threats are we facing?

Management of invasive aquatic plants
Management, not the eradication of aquatic plants is key. Aquatic plants in Guntersville Reservoir are managed to achieve three goals: to protect the ecological health of the reservoir, to balance the needs of diverse users from anglers to boaters to homeowners, and to preserve the reservoir’s aesthetic and economic value. The W.E.T. Foundation’s plan includes suppressing aquatic plants using approved methods in designated areas of the reservoir where they cause conflicts with reservoir use, while protecting fish and wildlife habitat.

Identifying potential invasive species
While not a problem yet, invasive aquatic species, including the Silver Carp, can threaten our lake ecosystem, recreation, and tourism activities. Not only is this species dangerous and threatening to our recreational activities, but it is already impacting lakes in nearby states. In an effort to preserve our lake ecosystem, we need to work together using best clean boating and fishing practices to prevent them from migrating to Lake Guntersville.
(The image above was taken from a river in Tennessee as a representation of the Silver Carp. This photo does not reflect and is not associated with Lake Guntersville. Photo by Ryan Hagerty, USFWS)

Erosion of islands
As a part of our ongoing management efforts, the W.E.T. Foundation is committed to protecting our shorelines from erosion. Lake Guntersville is experiencing erosion in areas due to the local seabird, Double Crested Cormorant. The species is known to impact rivers and lakes from Alaska all the way down to Florida and Mexico.

We’ve all seen it in waterways we frequent, but littering is an issue each of us can solve when out on the lake. Do your part and keep our lake beautiful and clean! We are depending on your help to keep littering at bay.